I have never done a garden before. So this year I decided I would and let Hunter help. I don't know the first thing about gardening. I done a lot of researching and staying on the phone with my grandmother to learn about the "Farming Life". I didn't want to plant to much or to little, so I decided to plant Cucumbers, Watermelon, Cantalope, Carrots, and Tomatoes. The Cucumbers and Watermelon are growing, however there were three tall plants they had to be three to four foot tall. Ends of up they are sunflowers. I didn't know if we should dig them up and re-plant them in there own area or if we should leave them alone. Well, we ended up re-planting, it gave my other crops alot of extra room.
My Mini Garden!
My first cucumber.
My first watermelon.
&& one of the three sunflowers that were growing in my garden.